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Objectives / Objetivos

Students enrolled in this course are getting ready to take the AP Spanish Language Examination. These are my objectives for this class based on the New York City standards:
Students will be able to use formal and informal reading materials to reach a conclusion about a controversial topic. E1,2e,4a,4b
Students will be able to produce a literary response E1,2b,4a.4b,5a
Students will be able to participate in formal and informal book talks. E1 1a, 1c,3a,3b,5a
Students will maintain a reading log or journal E1a 1b
Write a report of information that draws from at least four sources E1c ,2a 4a, 4b
Students will be able to produce a response to literature
Students will be able to produce a report that develops a controlling idea that conveys a perspective in the subject.E2a
Student will be able to produce a piece of writing using various approaches including providing facts and details, describing, organizing, comparing, contrasting, and providing an scenario to illustrate it. E2a
Student will be able to analyze in writing the effect of the characters and setting in the plot of the story. E2b
Student will be able to produce a persuasive essay E2e
Student will be able to produce a reflective essay. E2f
Student will be able to participate in one to one conferences, group discussions, group work and deliver and individual, and group presentations E3a, E3b, E3c
Student will make formal or informal judgments about television, radio, and film productions. E3d
Student will be able demonstrate the understanding of the grammar and accentuation rules of the Spanish Language in written form and oral form. E4a


February 2025
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